The costs of luggage transfer between Passau and Vienna

A map of the Danube between Passau, Linz and Vienna

Our service will be available to everyone who (a) starts cycling in Passau on Sunday or Monday and (b) arrives in Vienna in the course of the following Friday. This means that you cycle either six or five days.
Alternatively, you start cycling in Linz on either Tuesday or Wednesday and arrive in Vienna on Friday. This relates to either four or three days of cycling from Linz to Vienna.

Please find below our rates in various currencies. The prices depend on the number of cyclists in your party as well as the day of the week and the place where you start cycling.

Prices in Euro, per person (click here)
  Start cycling in Passau on Sunday Start cycling in Passau on Monday Start cycling in Linz on Tuesday or Wednesday
1 cyclist €215 €195 €175
2 cyclists €122 €112 €102
3 cyclists €103 €97 €90
4 cyclists €94 €89 €84
5 cyclists €90 €86 €82
6 cyclists €87 €84 €81
Prices in US-$, per person (click here)
  Start cycling in Passau on Sunday Start cycling in Passau on Monday Start cycling in Linz on Tuesday or Wednesday
1 cyclist US-$ 237 US-$ 215 US-$ 193
2 cyclists US-$ 135 US-$ 124 US-$ 113
3 cyclists US-$ 114 US-$ 106 US-$ 99
4 cyclists US-$ 104 US-$ 98 US-$ 93
5 cyclists US-$ 99 US-$ 94 US-$ 90
6 cyclists US-$ 96 US-$ 92 US-$ 89
Prices in British Pound, per person (click here)
  Start cycling in Passau on Sunday Start cycling in Passau on Monday Start cycling in Linz on Tuesday or Wednesday
1 cyclist £192 £174 £156
2 cyclists £109 £100 £92
3 cyclists £92 £86 £80
4 cyclists £85 £80 £75
5 cyclists £80 £77 £73
6 cyclists £78 £75 £72

Children of twelve years of age and younger count as half person each. Toddlers to the age of five go free. We are also able to quote in AU-$ on request. If you got a group of seven or more cyclists please ask us for a group rate. Furthermore, please bear in mind that we transfer pieces only with a maximum of 25kg (55lb) each. Oh, and there is a maximum of two pieces per cyclist. Please talk to us in case you got more luggage.

Our service in 2020: May and July

In 2020 the transfer service will be available during the first week in May and the fourth week in July. If an ample number of cyclists makes use of our service, we will further extend it in 2021.

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